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Horseshoe Crab and Glyphs 4'x6'

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Scribe 8'x8'

Wade through Black Jade 4'x6'

Celestial Fish 4'x4'

Wild Geese 4'x6'

Gallery View: 
808 Commonwealth Gallery Boston, Massachussetts

Gallery View: 
808 Commonwealth Gallery Boston, Massachussetts

Gallery View: 
808 Commonwealth Gallery Boston, Massachussetts

Artworks Mural: Fish, Sea and the Scribe

Artworks Mural: Natural Migration

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Medium: Oil and mixed media on canvas

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Medium: Oil and mixed media on canvas

Medium: Acrylic paint on brick

Artworks Mural: Fish, Sea and the Scribe

Medium: Acrylic paint on brick

Medium: Acrylic paint on brick

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